Performance Tuning with Plumber

on 15/08/2009

1. Requirement of Performance Tuning

A few weeks before, the lady (let’s say Lady D) lives downstairs in our apartment building complained that, there was a deep water creep from the wall inside her unit, and the water stream was not running stably, our daily life and the adjacent sub modules are being affected extensively. As a result, we guessed it might be some bottlenecks or ‘memory leaks’ during the processes in which water runs inside the pipes. It must be tackled immediately as an emergent case.


2. Client

Lady D, My Landlord and me (As a coordinator).


3. Project Charter

Real Estate Agent, Body Corporate, Lady D and My Landlord.


4. Human Resource

Five people of AU team in total, they are Project Manager, Plumber, electrician, cementer01 and cementer02.


5. Scope of Work

Project Manager, responsible for project planning and scheduling, organizes the specialists of different aspects in implementing the project, bridges the communication gaps through Lady D, My Landlord and each project members.

Plumber, responsible for monitoring and fixing all the pipe modules in the unit, similar to debugging application sub modules, tracing and fixing application bugs.

Electrician, responsible for monitoring and debugging modules other than pipe, similar to tracing operating system and database system modules, pinpoint the bottleneck among operating system layer or database system layer or application layer.

Cementer01 and cementer02, responsible for fixing and consolidating the broken walls as well as ceramic tiles, ensure the project closes perfectly, similar to patching for the application or database system or operating system.


6. Implementation

1st Day:

1) Project Manager, Lady D and Landlord attended the kick-off meeting, confirmed the project timetable and schedule

2nd Day:

1) Plumber monitored and traced all the pipe modules inside the unit

2) Diagnosed the exception raised by the pipe module inside the wall of the bathroom

3) Further in-depth layers traced needed by electrician

3rd Day:

1) Electrician asked me about the impacts of the surrounding modules caused by the questionable water module as well as additional information when invoking the water module

2) Electrician took in-depth tracing and analysis focusing on water module in the bathroom by an advanced monitoring and debugging tool

3) Eventually, the electrician found out the severe ‘memory leaks’ of the water module inside the wall of the bathroom without unclenching the ceramic tiles and breaking the wall

4) Electrician suggested to hang on the specific water module to prevent further ‘memory leaks’

4th Day:

1) Plumber unclenched the ceramic tiles and the wall

2) Plumber took a double checking inside the water module and subsequently pinpoint the statement line that raised the leaking exactly

3) Plumber fixed the questionable water module

4) Reloaded the water module, water service was back on track

5th Day ~ 20th Day (a little bit uncomfortable about this):

1) There was a risk on human resource of the project that the cementers could not be available as the fixed project schedule

2) Project hanged until the day that the cementers were available

21st Day:

1) Cementer01 and Cementer02 back to the project

2) Cementer01 and Cementer02 fixed the broken wall and ceramic tiles caused by previous in-depth tracing and analysis through the water module

3) Cementer01 and Cementer02 consolidated the wall and ceramics followed by updated patching

4) Water module in the bathroom would back on track with normal service in couples of hours after the automatic patching

22nd Day:

1) Each module ran normally with full services

2) Each module downstairs ran normally which indicates the performance tuning project successfully completed


7. Comparison with CN project

1) It takes more or less one working day to complete this kind of project by CN team

2) It takes 1 ~ 2 people as human resource in CN team, in most cases, the one who plays the role as project manager will also act as plumber, electrician and cementer simultaneously


8. Summary

1) AU team follows the project standard strictly which makes the project runs smoothly, it is more suitable for big project rather than small project

2) AU team has a higher cost on human resource which indicates a higher risk implicitly

3) AU team requires every specialist demonstrates an in-depth technical skill in his area in the project, whereas as a contract, the synthetic ability might not be required in the first place

4) CN team follows a agile project standard with compacted project schedule, it is more suitable for medium and small projects

5) CN team has a lower cost on human resource which reduces the risk of resource

6) CN team requires a higher synthetic ability in the project, lacks of top specialists in the specific field

7) It is the best bet to work on the project consisted by AU team and CN team: AU team responsible for project management, CN team members act as project members; AU team responsible for top specialists in each field while CN team responsible for the Chief Technical Officer

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